Text Like a Goddess.

One of the things that my clients ask me for most: a guide for how to communicate with our Masculine Energy Lovers and Partners — so they can hear us; so we can create more Magnetism and Connection; and so we can both support OUR Feminine Energetics and their Masculine Energetics.

And I want to clarify here — and you'll also hear me say this in the audio, as well — that these aren't a set of RULES.

This isn't about stifling yourself, or adhering to a rigid set of rules and 'shoulds' that you must follow 'or else you'll fail' — this is an invitation into seeing your communication in a different way, for using your language FOR your partner and for Connection, and for creating the greatest amount of Energetic space for your Masculine Energy partner to looooove entering into.

So don't worry. We're not trying to CHANGE you — we want YOU and your Essence shining through fully — and we can also. learn how to speak to our Lovers and Partners in a way that even more deeply Honors who they are, and their Archetype, as well.

When we do — it gets SO JUICY...

Add on a private, 1:1 Breakthrough Session with me (at a special rate only available at check-out) to create the most powerful Opening, Intimacy and Magnetism in your Love life and relationships.


Text Like a Goddess

Special opportunity: Choose the Upgrade option below to grab a one-time special rate on a private session with Heather
(50% off, reg. $444; offer only available at time of registration).
Private Sessions can be about anything you'd like support in: Business, Love, Personal Power, Spirituality, etc. Choose full-pay or 2-payment plan below. Session can be used any time after paid in full.