A HER Program
“My entire life has changed for the better. Miracles are happening and I’m not even having to ‘do’ anything.
When I was trying to do things in the Wounded Masculine Paradigm, nothing was moving or changing for me in the ways I was hoping it would. This work was mystical and miraculous at the same time.
My brain still can’t quite figure out what exactly happened but I know that Heather was the instrument of the Divine healing that took place. I am forever grateful for making this investment in myself, and am amazed at how this inner work is now impacting every aspect of my life." — Erin A.
✧ VIP option includes 1 private 1:1 Voxer Session with me every 4 months at a special rate not available anywhere else. (Reg $666, just $396 for you, which means you get almost 50% off each Voxer Session. Limited availability)
✧ The One-time Offer below gives you a Year of Sanctuary PLUS a private 1:1 call with me. Use it anytime during your time here. You save a bananas $549. (Value $1104, limited availability)
Monthly pricing
VIP: Private Voxer Sessions
One-time offer: Full-pay + 1:1
Annual Full-Pay option includes 1 private 1:1 call with Heather. Call must be used during the 12-month period of your enrollment.
VIP option includes 1 private 1:1 Voxer Session every 4 months {3 per year}. These are not accumulated or rolled over. Must be used within each 4-month period / quarter. If Session has been scheduled but must be rescheduled due to emergency, either by client or coach, an exception may be made and Session may be rolled into following 3-month period / quarter.
Ease. Embodiment. Expansion.
A Sacred Feminine Experience.
It's time to Transform + Transcend + Touch into something Magical.
It's time to meet a new version of yourself
that is so deeply held in Softness, Beauty & Love.
It's time to leave the sharp edges, the hard lines, and the confines of a way of life that, frankly, is starving you to death.
It’s time to come into a new relationship with your Dreams,
with what you’ve been sensing is Calling you,
and with your willingness to prioritize those.
It’s time to walk away from the Suffering that is holding you
in Patterns you’re not meant to be in & places that you no longer want to be.
It’s time to hold yourself in a Sacred Light & honor your own Power within
by Remembering who you came really here to be.
It’s time to choose Abundance in its wholeness & bask in the kind of life
that is utterly rich in all things Love, Beauty, Depth and Miracle.
This isn't hyperbole, my love.
This is the promise of the Sacred Feminine.
Enamored — the Energetics of your Desires. This 2-week journey is a deep, delicious act of Nourishment while you shift into the Emotional & Energetic state needed to Manifest your Desires.
Intro to Sacred Manifestation. Did you know Manifestation teachings actually teach Scarcity? YIKES. The Antidote shows you how that happens, how to heal it, & gives you the Antidotes for the Toxic Thought-forms that keep you from your Desires.
Splendour - A soft and glorious journey into the Sacred Feminine Path. Find Beauty, Love & Magic in your life, biz & relationships, with powerful teachings, practices & intimate support with me each month inside this beautiful Membership space.
From Deep Love to Sacred Business, your Mystical abilities to Personal Power. It's all here. Explore the life-changing, Paradigm-shifting Courses, Mini Courses, Mystery Schools and private containers — and find the journey that's perfect for you.