A Life of Beauty, Bounty & Magic

This is where Pleasure and Alignment becomes the core of who you are and the way you live — in Love, in Business, in Alignment, in the Realm of Magic.
Join us in Splendour...

“My entire life has changed for the better. Miracles are happening and I’m not even having to ‘do’ anything.

When I was trying to do things in the Wounded Masculine Paradigm, nothing was moving or changing for me in the ways I was hoping it would. This work was mystical and miraculous at the same time.
My brain still can’t quite figure out what exactly happened but I know that Heather was the instrument of the Divine healing that took place. I am forever grateful for making this investment in myself, and am amazed at how this inner work is now impacting every aspect of my life." — Erin A.

✧ Choose monthly payments or full-pay for the year and save (you basically get 2 months FREE!).
✧ 6 months minimum so you can allow this Depth Work to bloom, then you are welcome to stay in month-to-month from there
✧ VIP includes 3 private 1:1 Voxer Sessions to use throughout the year.

Splendour is a beautiful, bountiful journey into the Magic, Beauty, Ease & Possibility of the Feminine Mysteries — with Mini Course content unlocking for you every 2 weeks; profound and powerful Somatic, Energetic & Shamanic Practices opening up each month; and monthly Mastermind support from me for 6 or more months. Join for the year and save, or feel free to cancel any time after 6 months.

What's waiting for you in Splendour...

Want a full, rich Mystery School experience?
Click here to join us inside of Solaria, the Sacred Feminine Receivership Mystery School

Want to start with an even lighter taste?
Join us in Sanctuary, the beautiful monthly Feminine Temple.

  • Deep Teachings for every part of your Life, Love, Business & Magic

    Journey through every single one of my Mini Courses — PLUS every new one I create — while you're inside.
    Every 2 weeks, a new Module will open up for you in these courses:

    Sacred Offering
    The Uplevel
    Breathe: Presence-based Marketing
    Soul Guided

    Monthly, immersive Sacred Feminine practices, guided meditations or Somatic Embodiment practices to Open you into your Feminine Depths, Receivership, greater Abundance & ancient and internal Wisdom.
    These Practices drop you into your body, into your Somatic Wisdom, into your Knowing and the depths of your Inner Realms; we'll tap you into the beautiful Feminine Magic within you; we'll remind you of your relationship with Miracle; and we’ll OPEN you into greater Receivership and Ease.

    Women LOVE these powerful Practices, and tell me constantly how powerful, transformative, and Expansive they are for them the more they work with them regularly.

    Access to SOURCED — a rich and ever-growing ‘toolbox’ of Resources, Practices, Tools and ‘Remedies’ to dive into any time you feel called, to support the Depths of your Expansion and your Healing.

  • Intimate Support + Lush Extras

    A LIVE monthly Mastermind Call for intimate and personal support and coaching with me.

    This is where we get to create the most Magic together and create powerful shifts for you in YOUR unique life, your business, your relationships / dating, your Healing and your Spiritual journey.

    (Monthly Call days and times are chosen to support multiple lifestyles and time zones, and may change occasionally to best serve the women inside.)

    2 Trainings each month based on questions and requests from the community any topic — Love, Relationships, Business, Marketing, Spirituality, Intuition, Personal Power, shifting old Patterns and Blocks — I’ve got you on all of this. Bring it all. If you can’t make it to the calls some months, this is a gorgeous space to get personal support, coaching and guidance between calls.

    A massssssive Vault of YEARS worth of Trainings on every topic relating to Love, Business, Spirituality, Intuition, Personal Power, Confidence, following Guidance, Alignment, literally everything…

    A beautiful Voxer community for sisterhood and connection (and special pop-up surprises from me).

    $$$ credit at the end of the year: Receive $650 toward Golden Goddess or $300 toward Lineage + Legacy or $250 toward Solaria. OR stay inside of Splendour at a special no-brainer ‘alumni’ rate, and keep deepening your Receiving.

    Special gifts and access exclusive to Splendour level members only.

Check out the other 2 "Her" Programs...

Click here to explore Solaria, the Feminine Receivership Mystery School.
Or click here to enter Sanctuary, the beautiful Membership & monthly Sacred Feminine Temple

  • Sanctuary - the Membership

    ✦ Monthly, immersive Sacred Feminine practices, guided meditations or Somatic Embodiment practices to Open you into your Feminine Depths, Abundance & Wisdom.
    Here, we'll go Deeper and Devoted to the Self and the Sacred, to tap you into the Ease-filled Feminine within, and to align you — viscerally and cellularly — with the Magic She offers.

    Access to 3 of my TOP Mini Courses:
    "Lover" to support you creating in deep, magnetic Love, Intimacy and Attraction (whether dating or partnered); "
    Sacred Offering" to support you in building your Sacred Business and doing sales the Feminine and feel-good way,
    and "Channel" to help you tap into your clear Intuition and help you Open your Channel).

    A new segment unlocks each month throughout the year

    2 Q&A Trainings each month for direct, personal support from me — on any topic, bring it all.

    ✦ A Voxer community for sisterhood and connection (and occasional surprises)
    Special pop-up extras, Bonuses and gifts (I love to spoil you goddesses)

  • Solaria - the Mystery School

    Deep, Rich, Embodied, Expansive, Shamanic & full of Magic...
    Here's how we dive in DEEPLY together all year:

    A beautiful LIVE monthly Solaria Call with me for deep, rich and intimate support

    Shamanic Journeying on each of these Solaria Calls so you can tap into deep Wisdom, Soul + Power Retrieval, profound healing, and Direct Revelation of Guidance

    An additional LIVE monthly Mastermind Call for more personal support and coaching with me (Monthly Call day and time chosen to support multiple lifestyles and time zones)

    A private Facebook space for support between calls

    Two (2) private 1:1 Voxer Sessions for use any time during the year

    A monthly module teaching Quantum Feminine Expansion Principles + Embodiment Practices to create greater Expansion and Ease in every part of your life

    Monthly, immersive Sacred Feminine practices, guided meditations or Somatic Embodiment practices to Open you into your Feminine Depths, Abundance & Wisdom.
    Here, we'll go Deeper and Devoted to the Self and the Sacred, to tap you into the Ease-filled Feminine within, and to align you — viscerally and cellularly — with the Magic She offers.

    Access to SOURCED — a rich and ever-growing ‘toolbox’ of Resources, Practices, Tools and ‘Remedies.’

    Access to 3 of my TOP Mini Courses:
    "Lover" to support you creating in deep, magnetic Love, Intimacy and Attraction (whether dating or partnered); "
    Sacred Offering" to support you in building your Sacred Business and doing sales the Feminine and feel-good way,
    and "Channel" to help you tap into your clear Intuition and help you Open your Channel).

    A new segment unlocks each month throughout the year

    2 Q&A Trainings each month for more personal support from me between our Live Calls.

    ✦  Journal prompts to deepen in with throughout the month

    ✦ A Voxer community for sisterhood and connection (and occasional surprises, because I love to spoil you goddesses :))

    $$$ credit at the end of the year: $1000 toward Golden Goddess OR $600 toward Lineage + Legacy. Or stay in Solaria at a special ‘alumni’ rate. (A huge chunk of your tuition can be 'forwarded' into a deeper journey the following year.)

    Special gifts and access exclusive to Solaria level members

    Limited spaces available. Seats are offered occasionally, and offered first to those in Sanctuary and Splendour levels.

Ease. Embodiment. Expansion.

A Sacred Feminine Experience.

It's time to Transform + Transcend + Touch into something Magical.

It's time to meet a new version of yourself
that is so deeply held in Softness, Beauty & Love. 

It's time to leave the sharp edges, the hard lines, and the confines of a way of life that, frankly, is starving you to death.

It’s time to come into a new relationship with your Dreams,
with what you’ve been sensing is Calling you,
and with your willingness to prioritize those.

It’s time to walk away from the Suffering that is holding you
in Patterns you’re not meant to be in & places that you no longer want to be. 

It’s time to hold yourself in a Sacred Light & honor your own Power within
by Remembering who you came really here to be. 

It’s time to choose Abundance in its wholeness & bask in the kind of life
that is utterly rich in all things Love, Beauty, Depth and Miracle. 

This isn't hyperbole, my love.
This is the promise of the Sacred Feminine.

Read more about the journey here...