Let them feel you...

Traditional sales page Templates and Messaging prompts have never worked for me — they feel stifling, dry, lifeless, stodgy — and quite frankly, toxic — like the old stale bread of the Marketing industry that they are.

So I'm sharing this to show you what I do instead....
And it feels SO MUCH BETTER (and, not coincidentally, works so much better, because of it. ;))

Because here's the Truth:

Your people want to feel you.
And more than that?

They want to feel Activated by your Voice, 
by your Passion, by your Medicine.

But traditional Messaging and Sales Page approaches leave YOU feeling dry and uninspired, right?

Well... how do you imagine your audience feels reading them? 🙃

Yeesh. No more of that... 

Let's get your offering pages and sales pages absolutely SINGING with the Voice of your Soul Work, your Purpose Work, your Medicine, your true and Aligned Message.

This one's for those of you who have been asking me to teach you how I let myself pour out the copy, content, and Messaging of my Work
(and for those of you who have been wishing for this quietly ;)).

And it's true — I DO do things differently from other people.
So I LOVED creating this for you!!

Because I legit have TRIIIEEEDDDDDDDD to work with other people's Content prompts, Messaging approaches, frameworks for speaking about my Work —

— and all it's ever done is have me either freeze up, or feel 'blocked' all of a sudden,

or I lose the feeling of Aliveness in my Work,
like it suddenly feels uninspired and I lose the Heart and the Soul of it,

or I just sound completely unlike me,
to the point where I (honestly) just feel like I don't wanna do it anymore.

That might sound a little dramatic, but honestly...?

I mean, what else is more important than being able to translate the Soul of your Work into WORDS, both so that YOU can feel the Power and Depth of it AND so that your audience can feel the Frequency of it?

When I have felt like I couldn't do this — I felt more stuck than anywhere else in my business.
So yeah... I'm excited to get this one into your hands.

Enjoy this, beautiful. 

She is simple but mighty — 

— and she's an absolute game-changer for how you create your Invitational pages,

how you get to FEEL when you create them,

and how your audience feels when they get to experience them.


Put the Heart & Soul of your beautiful Work on the page...

Traditional sales page Templates and Messaging prompts are for old-school, bro-marketer, pain-point-poking entrepreneurs. That's not us. That's NEVER gonna be us.

Let me show you how I do it instead — a beautiful way of crafting Feminine Energy sales pages that has women telling me they LOVE reading them, and visit them again and again... just to immerse into the Energy of them.

Special VIP opportunity for you — Choose the Upgrade option below to grab a private session with Me at a super-special, half-off rate.
(50% off, reg. $444; offer only available at time of registration). Choose full-pay or 2-payment plan below. Session can be used any time after paid in full.