"AURA was such a beautiful course, gahhhhh... Oh my god, it's just stunning and delicious, and unlike anything I've ever experienced." 

"Above and beyond what I could've imagined!!!" 

"The Inner Sun practice has been the most life-changing thing I've ever experienced."

AURA is a 4-week Mini Course into Conversation and Co-Creation with the Universe, and your Desires — from the inside-out.

It’s 4 modules designed to plug the Energetic & Emotional Leaks,
clear away the gunk that causes us to get in our own way,
and stop keeping our Desires at arms-length...

...and put you into your TRUE Power to Align and call in everything you Desire.

The work in AURA will help you become the Tone that truly aligns with what you’re Calling in.
You'll radiate with a clear Magnetism that others can feel.
And you'll Broadcast to the world what you’re actually READY to bring in.

You are the SOURCE of what you Desire — so let’s help you Know that, Feel that, Remember that, Embody that… and call to you what YOU are already Embodying.
Yeah? YES.

Inside this Mini Course, we’ll be doing that with Somatic Imagining, Embodiment Practices, new ways of taking Action, and ‘Clearing tools’ to clear out a lot of the ‘gunk’ and ‘leaks’ that are impacting your ability to shine your most beautiful, most Magnetic, most Aligned AURA.

Attune all of You to your Desires here...

Special opportunity: Choose the Upgrade option below to add on a one-time special rate on a private session with Heather
(50% off, reg. $444; offer only available at time of registration); choose full-pay or 2-payment plan below.

Text & media

"This work and your guidance is all SO magical! 
As I keep feeling into the energies and doing the exercises, it just all feels so expansive, magical, and guiding in itself.

Just to tell you how magical and beautiful this work is —
— I was working with the Belief System a couple of days ago, and I was feeling into belief around my business, especially around people wanting to pay me for my services and feeling into my future clients, and I KID YOU NOT, yesterday I got a sale on one of my current business offers after a *very* barren few months! 

I didn’t expect or anticipate this at all; I just enjoyed feeling aligned with the energy of possibility and belief in it being true and possible the way you teach us in AURA. 

I know I'll be keeping up with these practices almost daily — working with these energies is kind of addicting!!

What you’ve brought forth with this work is beyond amazing, thank you Heather!! 
This work is so delicious, and I mean every word about the magic of it all..."

— Laura Smith 

"AURA was such a beautiful course UGHHHH... 
Oh my god, it's just stunning and delicious, and unlike anything I've ever experienced."

— A.

"This Mini-Course was above and beyond what I could have imagined!

Thank you Heather!" 

— V.

"All this work we've been doing for the past 4 weeks, to have this work and to have these Systems — I just don't seem to believe my old beliefs any more. 

The old me, before these Systems, would've internalized difficult or painful things, and the Limiting Beliefs would've gotten stuck... they would've had me on the floor crying before. 

And it's all just rolling off my back now — I'm feeling so much more confident in who I am, in the gifts I have and what I have to share, and it's amazing.

I really know who I am now. And it's opened up so much — all the doubts I would've let control my decision before, are just NOT — and it's opening up experiences and SO MANY new opportunities.

Where I would've settled before or thought maybe I'm not good enough for this position I'm applying for, now I'm showing up differently and people are suddenly offering me jobs.

All of this is happening because of this course. 

Thank you Heather for creating this, for inviting me into it, holding my hand through it — I'm really grateful for you and for this work."

— Emily