In Your Bones — The Internal Source of your Deepest Success. 

Explore the 3 core Essences within you that have the greatest influence on your deepest + most aligned Sacred Success, and what I call Sacred Manifestation of Money.

I'll teach you HOW to cultivate these to allow Success to simply happen THROUGH you, without so much "trying to get" and "trying to make it happen,"
plus we'll talk about the ONE Wounded Feminine Energy you want to make sure you avoid, which makes that harder.
Read a bit more about the journey below...

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About 'In Your Bones'


Your greatest Success is an Inside game.

Imagine if your Success was no longer hingeing upon the ‘How,’ the strategy, the constant ‘trying to figure it out’ all the time…..

That you could rest a bit more, let go of the push and the hustle and the striving a bit more.

That the KEY to the Sacred Success you’re dreaming of is unlocking an Essence & Alignment within you that’s so natural to you, it feels like breathing.

This low-cost and powerful Masterclass will give you a beautiful and delicious-feeling Framework for cultivating the Energetics for Sacred Success + Abundance in offering your Soul Work —

— in a way that feels like Success is something you get to fountain out from within you (because that’s exactly what it is).


Those of us who are aware of the Energetics, who lead with Heart, and who strive for Sacred Business — we Know it can’t just be about the ‘GET’

that it can't just be about the over-focus on just 'GETTING' more Income, more clients, more numbers, more metrics... 
We understand that there's something really 'off,' really extractive, even predatory, about doing business that way. We've felt how gross that feels, both on the entrepreneur side and the customer side.

This feels off to us because this is a Wounded Feminine PULL Energetic.
And what's important about this is that — when we’re in that Get and Pull, we’re also actually, unknowingly, really sneakily, creating Scarcity within US… 

Because the Wounded Feminine governs them both. These are RELATED Energetics.

Plus, in Truth? We know we can’t Control what we ‘Get’.
We really can't.
What we 'Get,' what we Receive, is External.
And we Know we can really only Control what is OF us, right?.

And — and this might sound obvious, but we forget this all the time — Income is a Receiving Energy.
Income, clients, engagement — these aren’t things we can actually Control and ‘make’ come to us, and we actually have a harder time Receiving them, or even start Repelling them, when we’re trying to pull them to us.

So then, how do we cultivate the Energy of Success within us,
so that Success comes to MEET us

instead of us trying to 'grab at it' and 'pull' it here all the time?

That’s exactly what I'm showing you inside of In Your Bones.



So just imagine if your Success could actually be Sacred —

— that it could be so deeply Soul Aligned with what you’re here for, that Miracles walk with you,
instead of you always ‘chasing down’ the things you want;

— that it could be so Whole-Self Aligned that your business actually feeds and nourishes
your Heart, your Energy, your Pleasure, your Play — instead of draining them;

— that it could be so On Purpose that you don’t have to scratch your head and furrow your brow
trying to ‘figure out’ your next move, or your next offering, your Message or your Medicine,
because you simply ARE the Vessel for your great Work. 

When you are in the Energy of your Sacred Success — Wealth and Abundance and Clients (i.e. those you're here to serve) can’t help but flow to you

because you are doing the Work of your Soul.

I was given a Grid by my Cosmic Team a while ago

(if you’re not familiar, my Cosmic Team often gives me Gridwork to provide models of Quantum Energetics to work with; in fact, the entirety of Golden Goddess is built on these Grids)

— and, while we don’t really have Control over Income,
I was shown the 3 OTHER Elements of our Success that we do have Control over.

And which — so Magically — is also what creates Miracle experiences with the Quantum Realms. #winwin

We'll be going into these 3 aspects of our Success that we can actually Create with, that we DO actually have the ability to influence, and which — when cultivated — literally can’t help but generate our Sacred Success.

This is a beautiful framework I was given for tapping into our Abundance and Success Energetics, over and over and over again.

And all the Sacred Success we crave flows from this place.

Our greatest Success is a WELL-SPRING that begins with us, that begins within us...

…In our Bones.


This low-cost Masterclass will give you a Framework for cultivating the Energetics for Sacred Success + Abundance in offering your work — in a way that also calls in and creates the most Miracle results.

In Your Bones will be a beautiful, Magical new framework for you if: 

  • You've been #tryingallthethings, and have no idea why it's working for 'them' but still not working for you;

  • You want a BEAUTIFUL and inspired Practice for getting out of the heaviness and discouragement that can (ahem, WILL) come up in your entrepreneur journey — one that takes you out of the Wound-space entirely, and gives you something Bigger, more Sacred, and more fun to nourish your business Success and your entrepreneur-Heart;

  • Fixating on the 10K, 100K, 1000000K months and years isn't working for you, or leaves a super-bad taste in your mouth 
    (ps I LOVE THAT — you're picking up on these Wounded Energetics 👏🏼 );

  • Strategies other people teach feel like they don't fit your Soul Work and the Medicine you know you're here to bring to the world;

  • Your whole Soul and all your inspiration dries up like the Sahara when you think about doing business in the Wounded ways this industry teaches — it's not enough;

  • You KNOW that there's a Magical or Energetic component to the Success you're here to have — that your Success isn't going to come from just plug-n-play Templates and doing what everyone else is doing;

  • You can feel (or you wish) that your Success is going to be supported by your Guides, your Ancestors, the Helpers in the Unseen Realms — and you want to invite more of that.